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Refund and Returns Policy

Effective Date: 04/06/2024

At EveryHours, we are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with our products and services. We understand that circumstances may arise where a return or refund is necessary, whether you opt for shipping or local pickup. Please review the following policy guidelines for a clear understanding of our refund and returns process:

  1. Shipping Return Period:

Our return policy extends to 30 days from when you received the item. Refunds will be processed in 2-5 days. You have the flexibility to return items within this timeframe for any reason if you purchased online and had your items shipped to you.

  1. Return Process:

For returns, a shipping label will be provided to facilitate the process. Simply contact our customer service team to initiate the return. Once the item is received, inspected, and verified, a refund will be issued to the original payment method.

  1. Exclusions:

Please note that shipping costs incurred for reasons outside of EveryHours’ control are non-refundable. Additionally, electronics and TV parts automatically come with a 30-day warranty from the date of delivery. If you encounter any issues with these items, please reach out to us for troubleshooting or to request a return.

  1. Warranty Information:

Electronics and TV parts automatically come with a 30-day warranty from the date of delivery. If you experience any issues with your item within this period, please contact us for assistance.

  1. Policy Changes:

EveryHours reserves the right to modify or update this refund and returns policy at any time. Any changes will be communicated through our website.

Thank you for choosing EveryHours. We value your business and are dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction with our products and services. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our refund and returns policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us.